What I thought about this card then: Didn't have it. But there are two things I remember about Geronimo. First, I knew of this particular Geronimo years and years before I knew of this Geronimo. And, no, it didn't take me until I pulled the '09 Allen & Ginter Geronimo card before I knew who he was.
Secondly, I remember Geronimo being praised for his defense more than any individual player from the late 1970s, except for maybe his teammate, Dave Concepcion. Personally, I was focused on Geronimo's pedestrian hitting skills, because I hated the Big Red Machine. And I couldn't wait for that No. 8 spot in the batting order to come around.
What I think about this card now: Severe tilting in the background of this card, and the card is miscut. But I do like that the Reds name is in red.
Other stuff: The Reds featured a good share of lefties in their lineup during their Machine days. Morgan, Griffey, Driessen, Geronimo. And Rose switch-hit.

Other blog stuff: The blog will be taking a break for the Thanksgiving holiday. But I'll see you real soon!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Brian.
Morgan didn't switch hit, did he?
Morgan was strictly a lefty at the plate. He had that elbow-flapping thing going with his left arm.
Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with the family.
Love this site!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Go White Sox and Dodgers!
The Geronimo comic that has stuck in my head all these years is 1973 Topps. "Cesar has a cannon arm."
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