What I thought about this card then: Never saw it.
What I think about this card now: Dobson looks like he is posing for an old-style portrait. And I love how he has the collar out on the jacket he's wearing under his uniform. It reminds me of the collar-out shirts we wore under sweaters back in the early 1980s. So sauve. That look got ALL the girls.
Other stuff: Pat Dobson has some rather distinctive cards. He's hatless on his 1970 card, wears an airbrushed cap on his '71, features a staggering, open-mouthed gape on his 1972 card, looks like Will Ferrell on his '76 card, and displays an awesome fro/crap-eating grin on his '78 card. Now that's a body of work for you.

Other blog stuff: OK, we have covered all the color combinations, so now it is time to list them, in order of appearance:
1. orange-brown
2. yellow-light blue
3. purple-pink
4. orange-yellow
5. green-purple
6. brown-orange
7. yellow-green
8. red-yellow
9. green-light green
10. brown-tan
11. blue-orange
12. pink-yellow
13. light blue-green
14. red-blue
15. tan-light blue
16. yellow-red
So, there you are. Sixteen color combinations in the '75 set. But you knew that already, right?
I think he has a smug look on his face because he is VERY aware of his place in history..the last color-combo to show up in the set should be reserved for someone of some stature. And he knows it.
He's coming up in a few weeks on my '76 blog. He really does look like Will Farrel on the '76 card.
Yankees at Shea. Don’t know why this still fascinates me, especially since I went to quite a few Yankee games at Shea those two years.
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